Sister Marguerite (Moya) Coyne, CSJ
Sister Marguerite (Moya) Coyne, CSJ, 80, died Thursday, January 14, 2021, in the 63rd year of her religious life as a Sister of St. Joseph....
The Truth of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus as the...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
The fact that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ rose from the dead in His body and soul is the foundation...
The Call from God
By Father Rich Tomkosky
All of us are called to the Lord and His heart in a unique way, by His quiet voice stirring in...
Father Paul Taylor, OSB, Named 18th President of Saint Vincent College
Father Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B., Ph.D., a Benedictine monk and executive vice president, has been named the 18th president of Saint Vincent College, effective...
Proclaim! TV
Watch Proclaim! every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on WATM ABC 23 followed by the live broadcast of the Sunday Mass from Saint John Gualbert...
Call Your Mother; She Worries About You!
Column by Jonathan Nagy
In P.D. Eastman’s classic children’s book, “Are You My Mother?”, a mother bird sat in her nest waiting for her egg...
The Mystery of Faith
By Father Rich Tomkosky
At every Mass, the priest says after the consecration, "The Mystery of Faith," and then we proclaim our faith in the...
How Do We Deal with the Storms of Life?
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Life can be difficult, sometimes overwhelming. There are two possible ways to deal with it – either to turn in on...
On Death: Keep Your Eyes Open, For You Know Neither the Day Nor the...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
The Church encourages us to prepare ourselves for the hour of our death. In the ancient litany of the saints, for...
I’ve Seen the Face of Jesus
Column by Jonathan Nagy
In 2003, Mitch Albom wrote the inspiring novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, which followed the life and death...
We Will Get Through This Together, Bishop Mark Assures
A Message by Bishop Mark Bartchak
I heard a story about a couple of retired men in a small town. They would meet every morning...