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Sister Bridget James O’Brien, CSJ
Sister Bridget James O’Brien, 90, died Sunday, October 20, 2019, in the 70th year of her religious life as a Sister of St. Joseph....
The Meaning of the Presentation of the Lord for Our Spiritual...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
This past weekend, we celebrated the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in lieu of the normal Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time....
We are All in this Together in the Mystical Body of...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Saint Paul speaks about the concept of the Church as the “Mystical Body of Christ,” meaning we all have a distinct...
Father Paul Taylor, OSB, Named 18th President of Saint Vincent College
Father Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B., Ph.D., a Benedictine monk and executive vice president, has been named the 18th president of Saint Vincent College, effective...
Proclaim! TV
Watch Proclaim! every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on WATM ABC 23 followed by the live broadcast of the Sunday Mass from Saint John Gualbert...
What is the Good News?
Column by Justin Kirkland
As the Easter season approaches and the 40 day penance of stifling our Hallelujahs at Mass ends, the language of “Spreading...
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
By Father Rich Tomkosky
This past Sunday, we celebrated the close of the Easter Season: the birthday of the Catholic Church: Pentecost Sunday. It is...
Mary the Spiritual Shining Star Pointing Us to Christ
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Earlier this week, we celebrated Mary sharing in the victory of her Son Jesus over Satan, sin, and death. After falling...
Seton and Gallitzin – Forging a Pathway to Holiness
Column by Jonathan Nagy
Recently, and rather stunningly, a major American media outlet posted on their Facebook page a story about the regulations and requirements...
Spiritual Encouragement in this Earthly Valley of Tears
By Father Rich Tomkosky
At times in this earthy life, there is a real temptation to give up during many difficulties. Courage or fortitude (spiritual...
A Message of Hope: Turn to Mary, Undoer of Knots
A Message by Bishop Mark Bartchak
What can be more frustrating than having played baseball all afternoon in the rain with friends, and having hit...