Brother Bernard Nicolosi, TOR
Brother Bernard Nicolosi, TOR, 82, of the Franciscan Friars, Third Order Regular, Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, died December 23, 2019...
Catholic Charities Launches Annual Spring Supply Product Drive
By Cindy O'Connor
‘Whoever cares for the poor lends to the LORD, who will pay back the sum in full.’ -----Proverbs 19:17
In just a few...
To Bear Spiritual Fruit We Must Be Disciplined in Daily Prayer...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Don’t take God’s Mercy for granted. As I mentioned last week, God is all holy, but amazingly He also wants to...
Father Paul Taylor, OSB, Named 18th President of Saint Vincent College
Father Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B., Ph.D., a Benedictine monk and executive vice president, has been named the 18th president of Saint Vincent College, effective...
Proclaim! TV
Watch Proclaim! every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on WATM ABC 23 followed by the live broadcast of the Sunday Mass from Saint John Gualbert...
True Catholic Fatherhood/Godly Manhood
By Father Rich Tomkosky
This past Sunday, we celebrated Father's Day. We ask God’s blessings on all fathers, grandfathers and godfathers. We pray especially for...
Have Faith in God’s Plan
Column by Jonathan Nagy
Saltus fidei! Danish Christian philosopher Soren Kierkegaard created that Latin phrase, meaning “a leap of faith,” to describe human connections to...
All Creation is Shouting for Joy!
Column by Jonathan Nagy
On the evening of September 6, 1780, while spending the night in a cabin high atop the Kickelhahn Mountain near Ilmenau,...
Was There Always Palm on Palm Sunday?
By Father Al Ledoux
The Church is preparing for Passion Sunday – or Palm Sunday as it is more commonly known. This is the day...
Homily Message for Kathleen Tomkosky
Editor's Note: The following is the homily message given by Father Rich Tomkosky at the funeral Mass for his beloved mother, Kathleen Tomkosky, on...
Six Diocesan Priests Mark 60th Anniversary of Ordination
By Tony DeGol
Six priests of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown are marking the 60th anniversary of their ordination this month.
Reverend Sylvester J. Bendzella, 86, is...