A Reflection for the Solemnity of the Ascension


Reflection by Father Jude Brady, OSB

This Thursday we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension.  This marks 40 days since the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection.   During the days after Easter until the Feast of the Ascension, Jesus made what we call Post- Resurrection appearances.  He showed Himself in several different ways; sometimes in His Resurrected Body and other times as a gardener or a wayfarer.   All of this was done to help the Apostles and Disciples come to realize that even though they witnessed his horrible death, He had been raised from the dead and truly lives! They were filled with the theological virtue of Faith- indicating that with God all things are possible!

Soon He would leave them again, this time to sit at His Father’s Right Hand.  He promised them that He would not abandon them, but that He would send them the Advocate – the Holy Spirit.   The Apostles were asked to develop and grow in the theological virtue of Hope.   The Solemnity of the Ascension is commonly referred to as the Miracle of Hope.   The Holy Spirit would infuse their very souls, taking away their fear and transforming them into stronger, holier and more peaceful people; sending them forth to preach the Gospel of Christ with fidelity and constancy. 

We all have been going through a very trialed and complicated time; but Easter and the Feast of the Ascension are reminding us that the Lord hasn’t abandoned us.  He is promising us that with the Sacramental Life of the Catholic Church, we will rise from this trial stronger – a Catholic filled with the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love.

During this very sacred and grace-filled time, the Lord is asking us to place all of our Hope in His Promise – that He will send the Holy Spirit to be our consoler and healer, opening our hearts to become the very presence of the Risen Lord, showing everyone in our lives that with God all things are possible!

Prayers for a Hope and Grace Filled Ascension Thursday!

Father Jude Brady, OSB, is the Pastor of Saint Benedict Parish in Carrolltown.