56.9 F
Friday, March 14, 2025

Key Reminders as Churches Reopen for Private Prayer

With great joy, parishes in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown may reopen church buildings for private prayer beginning on Saturday, May 16. This step marks...

Father Peter Crowe Appointed Director of Vocations

Bishop Mark has announced the appointment of Reverend Peter Crowe as Diocesan Director of Vocations, effective June 1, 2020. Father Crowe will continue to...

Plans to Reopen Church Buildings to be Announced in Near Future

By Tony DeGol Proclaim! The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown will announce plans for the reopening of parish church buildings and the return to public Masses in the...

Faithful Invited to Pray for Deacons in Altoona-Johnstown and the Church...

Every year, Pope Francis requests prayers for a specific intention each month.  For this month of May, the Holy Father is inviting prayers for deacons. His...

Jesus is There on Our Vocation Journey, Assures Pope

By Tony DeGol Proclaim! Whether we realize it or not, our personal journey often mirrors the story of Jesus and Peter encountering stormy waters. "Indeed, the boat...

Funeral Homes, Families Adjusting to Directives

By Tony DeGol Proclaim! When Celeste Stolz was planning her mother's funeral shortly after Easter, she knew the arrangements would have to follow the directives in effect...

Bishop Says Task Force Looking at Next Steps for Diocese

By Tony DeGol Proclaim! In this era of coronavirus concerns, returning to normal in the Church is not as easy as pushing a button or flipping...

Catholic Charities, Martha and Mary House Continuing to Serve Neighbors in...

By Tony DeGol Proclaim! After nearly eight decades of compassionate service, it will take more than a pandemic to keep Catholic Charities of the Diocese of...

Ordination Mass to be Live-Streamed

Bishop Mark will ordain two diocesan seminarians as transitional deacons as scheduled. Mark Groeger and Michael Pleva will be ordained on May 30 during a...

For Better or For Worse, Brides and Grooms Face Tough Decisions...

By Tony DeGol Proclaim! Kierstyn Kruise and Michael Vescovi joke that they might add a line to their wedding invitation that mentions face masks and gloves as...
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