Individuals Who Attended Mass at a Cambria County Parish Test Positive...
Three related people who recently attended Mass at a Cambria County parish have tested positive for COVID-19.
The individuals were present at the 10:00 a.m....
Six More Weeks of Winter?!
By Cindy O'Connor
Six more weeks of winter declared Punxsutawney Phil on February 2, 2025. YIKES!
For the snow enthusiasts, I’m sure they were ecstatic at...
Forgiveness of and Love for Our Neighbor in God
By Father Rich Tomkosky
This past weekend, we heard the call of Jesus in the Gospel, and the example of David in the first reading,...
Father Paul Taylor, OSB, Named 18th President of Saint Vincent College
Father Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B., Ph.D., a Benedictine monk and executive vice president, has been named the 18th president of Saint Vincent College, effective...
A Legacy of Connecting People Through Prayer and Television
By Tony DeGol
Not many little boys are lucky enough to find a mentor who will still influence them later in life.
David Micik found that...
Happiness Is…
Column by Jonathan Nagy
Recently, I have been reading Matthew Kelly’s book “Resisting Happiness.” After a particularly rough day, I was looking for an inspirational...
Missed Meals Equal Missed Opportunities
Column by Jonathan Nagy
Astonishingly, food is mentioned 1,207 times in the Bible. Everything from manna in the desert to the Bread of Life is...
Advent: Getting Spiritually Prepared for Jesus’s First and Second Coming
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Advent is a time of waiting, active waiting in anticipation, in hope for the coming of the Lord. For the first...
Keeping Holy the Lord’s Day
By Father Rich Tomkosky
The justice and righteousness we are to show in our relations with our fellow human beings must be rooted in giving...
Embracing the Mercy of God Which Flows from the Salvific Death of Jesus
By Father Rich Tomkosky
We need to always remember why Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the dead in His sacred body and...
A Reflection for the Solemnity of the Ascension
Reflection by Father Jude Brady, OSB
This Thursday we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension. This marks 40 days since the celebration of Jesus’...