Parishes Serve Up Huge Support for Cereal Collection


By Tony DeGol

Cereal bowls in the Altoona area will be a lot fuller this fall thanks to the generous support of priests and parishioners at Blair County parishes.

For 15 years, Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishioner Judy Savine has been collecting cereal for the Saint Vincent de Paul Food Pantry in Altoona to benefit children and families.

With the support of Bishop Mark, Savine once again this year approached pastors and administrators at Blair County parishes to sponsor cereal collections around the time of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in mid-August.

According to Savine, the effort yielded 2,500 to 3,000 boxes of cereal.

“Now our pantry is full,” Savine reported. “We appreciate what the priests and parishioners helped us do this summer.”

The new supply of cereal for the pantry is expected to last until at least October or November, Savine added.

“This is what we’re supposed to do as Christians – help one another,” she said.

[Photo: Judy Savine and her husband, George, pick up cereal collected at Sacred Heart Parish in Altoona, one of the parishes that participated in the mid-August cereal collection.]