Combating the Tendency to Give Into Human Respect to the Detriment...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Part of the struggle of our fallen human nature is the weakness in all of us, to a greater or lesser...
The Meaning of the Presentation of the Lord for Our Spiritual...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
This past weekend, we celebrated the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in lieu of the normal Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time....
We are All in this Together in the Mystical Body of...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Saint Paul speaks about the concept of the Church as the “Mystical Body of Christ,” meaning we all have a distinct...
Father Paul Taylor, OSB, Named 18th President of Saint Vincent College
Father Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B., Ph.D., a Benedictine monk and executive vice president, has been named the 18th president of Saint Vincent College, effective...
A Legacy of Connecting People Through Prayer and Television
By Tony DeGol
Not many little boys are lucky enough to find a mentor who will still influence them later in life.
David Micik found that...
The Catholic View of Death
By Father Rich Tomkosky
“If Christ was not raised (from the dead), your faith is worthless. You are still in your sins, and those who...
The Joy that Comes from the Lord Alone
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Are we a people of joy and anticipation/hope? Or are we depressed, gloomy, and anxious most of the time? Are we...
A Christmas Letter to Heaven
Column by Jonathan Nagy
According to the Hallmark Greeting Card Company, Americans, on average, send 1.3 billion Christmas cards each year. Cards are sent in...
God’s Grace Transforming Our Nature in Regard to the Passions/Emotion
By Father Rich Tomkosky
All of us daily deal with the mystery of good and evil. The choice is ultimately ours whether we embrace good...
Modern Messengers of God
Column by Jonathan Nagy
Saint Thomas Aquinas was perhaps the most prolific theologian in Catholic Church history. His Disputed Questions on Truth, Summa contra Gentiles,...
We Will Get Through This Together, Bishop Mark Assures
A Message by Bishop Mark Bartchak
I heard a story about a couple of retired men in a small town. They would meet every morning...