Hawk Headlines — Happenings at Holy Name School


December has snuck around the corner, and we at Holy Name School are more than prepared for a new month of school. This column was written by Ali Heinrich and Zander Sekerak.

Throughout the next few weeks we will be celebrating the seasons in many ways. Our school Advent theme is “Mercy from the Manger.” Each day will begin with a Scripture reading followed by a reflection and meditation from Pope Francis. Within our classrooms we will focus on showing mercy in our own lives using the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.

The Intermediate Department will be performing a Christmas play called the “Secret of the Gifts” on December 11, 2019, in conjunction with the Christmas Band Concert. This play carries a hopeful message that shows the true meaning of Christmas. Mark your calendars to attend this evening of music and theater.

First grade has been busy studying Thanksgiving. They learned that the Pilgrims sailed on the Mayflower to the New World by watching a video about this journey and reading stories about the Mayflower crossing and Pilgrim life. They reinforced what they learned by writing facts about the Mayflower’s voyage, sorting activities based on whether they happened long ago or could happen today. Finally, they wrote about something they would do if they were Pilgrims. Finally, they focused on First Thanksgiving comparing and contrasting it with our modern Thanksgiving celebrations and wrote about their favorite Thanksgiving foods.

Our school will also celebrate Christ’s birth with other joyful musical performances. On December 9 at 5:00pm our beautiful piano recital will take place in the church.  December 18 is the Handbell Concert which will be at 1:00, and on December 20, we ‘ll be holding the Christmas Eve Performance for the school performed by the student choir.

Holy Name School offers several opportunities for you to complete your Christmas shopping. This Saturday is our Athletic Association Craft Fair, full of wonderful crafts that would make great gifts. You can purchase gift cards through our school scrip program at the school office or you can visit shopwithscrip.com or myscripwallet.com and add funds to ecards in your virtual wallet using code 48CLCFFL7533. These choices allow you to not only gift your friends and family, but to benefit our school as well.

Our final quote is from Howard Zinn: “Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

If you would like to learn more about Holy Name School in pictures and videos, please find us on Facebook at The Official Holy Name School or at our website, HOLYNAMESCHOOL.NET.

[Photos: First grade students at Holy Name School display the crafts they created during their study of the history and traditions of Thanksgiving.]