A Legacy of Connecting People Through Prayer and Television
By Tony DeGol
Not many little boys are lucky enough to find a mentor who will still influence them later in life.
David Micik found that...
The Meaning of the Presentation of the Lord for Our Spiritual...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
This past weekend, we celebrated the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in lieu of the normal Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time....
We are All in this Together in the Mystical Body of...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Saint Paul speaks about the concept of the Church as the “Mystical Body of Christ,” meaning we all have a distinct...
Father Paul Taylor, OSB, Named 18th President of Saint Vincent College
Father Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B., Ph.D., a Benedictine monk and executive vice president, has been named the 18th president of Saint Vincent College, effective...
A Legacy of Connecting People Through Prayer and Television
By Tony DeGol
Not many little boys are lucky enough to find a mentor who will still influence them later in life.
David Micik found that...
The Spiritual Foundation for Both Evangelization and Promoting Vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life,...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
As we deal with the crisis of faith in our time, the Catholic Church recently celebrated World Mission Sunday. It was...
Becoming “Living Stones”
Column by Justin Kirkland
Known for its valiant warriors and the strength of its military, the ancient city of Sparta continues to hold mythological status...
Back to School Lessons with the Saints
Column by Jonathan Nagy
The end of August brings the end of the summer season and the beginning of a new school year in Pennsylvania....
What Does the Lord Require of You?
Column by Jonathan Nagy
“What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”...
Is Jesus Christ Truly the King of Our Life?
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Jesus Christ is the King of the universe and wants to be the King of each individual human being on earth....
A Reflection for the Solemnity of the Ascension
Reflection by Father Jude Brady, OSB
This Thursday we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension. This marks 40 days since the celebration of Jesus’...