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Parishioner Travels Country, World Putting Catholic Faith into Action
By Tony DeGol
Editor’s Note: This story is the first in a new series called Faith Forward on Proclaim! E-News and Proclaim! TV. The...
The Meaning of the Presentation of the Lord for Our Spiritual...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
This past weekend, we celebrated the Presentation of the Lord Jesus in lieu of the normal Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time....
We are All in this Together in the Mystical Body of...
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Saint Paul speaks about the concept of the Church as the “Mystical Body of Christ,” meaning we all have a distinct...
Father Paul Taylor, OSB, Named 18th President of Saint Vincent College
Father Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B., Ph.D., a Benedictine monk and executive vice president, has been named the 18th president of Saint Vincent College, effective...
Proclaim! TV
Watch Proclaim! every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on WATM ABC 23 followed by the live broadcast of the Sunday Mass from Saint John Gualbert...
The Transfiguration as a Sacred Event Meant to Deepen our Faith in Jesus
By Father Rich Tomkosky
In this reality of the Transfiguration, which we are called to meditate on as Catholics in the fourth luminous mystery of...
Embracing the Mercy of God Which Flows from the Salvific Death of Jesus
By Father Rich Tomkosky
We need to always remember why Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the dead in His sacred body and...
The Dynamic of Fear in our Life
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Dealing with fear, anxiety, and craziness in life? I remember as a young priest a few years in, I was dealing...
A Story for the Ages
Column by Jonathan Nagy
School is out and summer has arrived! As everyone knows, this school year was particularly challenging for everyone, including myself. I...
Happiness Is…
Column by Jonathan Nagy
Recently, I have been reading Matthew Kelly’s book “Resisting Happiness.” After a particularly rough day, I was looking for an inspirational...
A Message of Hope: Turn to Mary, Undoer of Knots
A Message by Bishop Mark Bartchak
What can be more frustrating than having played baseball all afternoon in the rain with friends, and having hit...