Bishop’s Appointments & Announcements
REVEREND NELSON JAVIER, TOR, appointed Parochial Vicar for parishes in the Altoona area, and residing at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Altoona....
Announcement from Bishop Mark
Bishop Bartchak wishes to advise the faithful of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown that a person by the name of John Tokarick, Jr. may be...
New Priest Off and Running in Ministry; Credits Grandmother’s Example for...
By Tony DeGol
Little did Georgia Corso know that when she used to bring her teenage grandson, Michael Pleva, to 5:30 p.m. Mass every Saturday...
Tyrone Siblings Literally at the Head of the Class in Academics...
By Tony DeGol
When it comes to academic achievement and joyfully living the Catholic faith, three Tyrone siblings seem to exemplify the old adage about the apple not falling far from the...
Proclaim! TV Mass Baton Being Passed From Father Crookston to Father...
By Tony DeGol
In his early years as a priest, the Very Reverend James Crookston taught at both Bishop Guilfoyle and Bishop McCort Catholic high...
New Permanent Deacon Challenged by Bishop to Lead People to Christ
By Tony DeGol
Bishop Mark is encouraging the newest permanent deacon in the diocese to use his ministry to serve the poor and help people...
Bishop Ordains Two Men to Priesthood In Front of Plenty of...
By Tony DeGol
With the promise of waking them up for the “good part,” Bishop Mark began his homily at the ordination Mass of Mark...
Bishop to Celebrate Special Outdoor Mass at Historic Hart’s Sleeping Place
Bishop Mark will celebrate a special outdoor Mass in observance of the Year of Saint Joseph on August 1 at 4:00 p.m. at beautiful...
Knights Council Provides Scholarship Support and Community Service
From the Knights of Columbus
Since May the Father Byron O’Hanlon Council #4678 of State College has provide time, talent, and treasure to the local...
Retired Director of Education Part of New Leadership Team for Her...
From the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill
The United States Province of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill announces the election and installation...