Hawk Headlines — Happenings at Holy Name School


Fall is here, bringing refreshing coolness to the school year! Holy Name School has been focusing on many different topics as October arrives. This column was written by Tatum Laughard and Tori Wasser.

As September ended first grade learned about Johnny “Appleseed” Chapman. They also learned about the parts and the life cycles of apples. Finally, last Thursday they made delicious applesauce with their teachers and learned about the structure of fruits and how they grow so we can enjoy them.

Also as the leaves start to change, the Holy Name School student council is forming. Voting took place yesterday for the positions of president, vice president, secretary, prayer facilitator, and homeroom representatives. Students in grades four through eight may run for representative and students in grade six through eight may run for office.  During the school year students that are elected to these positions will take suggestions on improvements they can change or add to make Holy Name School a better place.

Please come join us at 2:00 pm in the Holy Name Church to celebrate the Living Rosary. During October, Catholics devote extra time praying the Rosary and contemplating important events in Jesus’ life. Today’s prayer service will be led by junior high students.

Our final quote is from Joyce Meyer: “Prayer is simply talking to God like a friend and should be the easiest thing we do each day.”

If you would like to learn more about Holy Name School in pictures and videos, please find us on Facebook at The Official Holy Name School or at our new website, HOLYNAMESCHOOL.NET.

[Photo: Miss Chalich’s first grade class at Holy Name School enjoys the applesauce they made as a culmination of their study of apple structure and development and the story of Johnny Appleseed.]