James Morrissey 1935-2019


MORRISSEY – James 83, passed away on May 14, 2019 at Cambria Care Center in Ebensburg.  Born July 9. 1935 in Johnstown.  Son of the late Robert and Catherine (May) Morrissey.
Preceded in death by wife, Helen Morrissey, brother Larry, and sisters Joann (Krishock), Margaret “Renee” (Pounds), and Janet “Sally” (Focht).  Also special high-school friends Bill Billetdeaux and Bill Deter.
Survived by twin sister (younger than Jim by 7 minutes), Mary Hirsch.  Also survived by adoring cousin, Darlene Felus who loved Jim dearly and always found a way to make him laugh, in the face of any adversity.  There are many surviving nieces, nephews, and friends – too many to mention for fear of forgetting someone.
Jim was taken to his eternal place of rest in Heaven after a life devoted to God and Holy Mother Church. Jim began his journey at an early age, when he entered the Carmelite Order of Brothers.  After leaving the Religious Life, he found numerous other ways  to live his life for God and the Church, with a special dedication for the lives of priests.  He was a Member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites OCDS, Our Lady of Loretto Community.
Jim was a victim of Multiple Sclerosis, but in spite of disease progression, he continued in his ministries.  He had been a resident of Cambria Care Center for many years, dating back to its time as Laurel Crest Manor.  He resided there with his wife Helen.  He never voiced a complaint about his physical condition, using his infirmities as Redemptive Suffering.
Some of Jim’s accomplishments include the following:  He was an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist at St. John Gualbert Church.  Many local March of Life pilgrimages were possible in part because of Jim soliciting donations for the trip, never letting his wheelchair limit him.  During those overnight trips, he would spend all night in Adoration at the Basilica, locating outlets along the way to charge his electric chair.  He solicited donations to erect the Billboards for Life, dedicated to babies.  He made pilgrimages to the Holy Land and Medjugore.  He solicited donations for and coordinated 3 Pilgrimages to EWTN.  During the 2003 Pilgrimage, he was able to meet with Mother Angelica along with other pilgrims with physical challenges.
During his time at Cambria Care Center, he was instrumental in getting priests to offer weekly Mass at the facility.  He coordinated garage sales to benefit the residents.  He supplied the Bird Sanctuary (Aviary) for the enjoyment of residents and their families.  He began the Daily Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet recitation for the residents.  He was able to solicit money for many other causes to improve the quality of lives of his fellow residents.  At one time, he even ran for office as a Cambria County Commissioner.
Jim will be remembered by many as a man who had a mission and who was going to “get the Job done” at all costs.  He relied on the generosity of others to accomplish his goals.  He was an outspoken staunch
Catholic.  He valued life in all its stages.  In the last few years of his life, he was better able to accept his own mortality.  He grew to trust that his Earthly life (as busy as it was) would come to an end and ultimately he would have to continue God’s work from his Heavenly home.
Jim would want to thank all the Caregivers at Cambria Care Center for their dedicated work.  He would like to thank his family and friends for their love and support over the years.  Special thanks goes out to Mary Kay Sivec and Chris Mraz for their dedication to Jim.  Priests can be assured of Jim’s ongoing prayers and intercessions on their behalf for the work they do for God’s children.
There will be no viewing or visitation.  A Memorial Mass to Celebrate Jim’s life will take place on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at 10 a.m. at St. John Gualbert Cathedral in Johnstown, Very Reverend James Crookston, Rector.    All who knew Jim are welcomed to attend.  The Morrissey family is being served by the Geisel Funeral Home, Johnstown, PA.
Jim asked that any donations would be made in his name to the Discalced Carmelites Nuns, PO Box 57, Loretto,PA 15940.