Hawk Headlines — Happenings at Holy Name School


June is just around the corner, bringing a close to the end of a very productive school year at Holy Name School. This column was written by members of the eighth grade class.

On Friday, May 17th, Holy Name students participated in the 6th Annual Healthy Hawk Walk.  Through generous donors and the hard work of students, staff, and the members of the Home and School Association, we raised $23,451 this year, an increase from last year’s total of $21,874. Our premier sponsor was Shriram Sirsikar, MD LLC, along with 28 Gold sponsors and 11 Silver sponsors. Kindergarten through Grade 2 walked 1.3 miles, Grades 3 through 5 walked 2.4 miles, & Grades 6 through 8 walked 3.2 miles. DJ Seph provided the entertainment, and Coca Cola donated all the water.

Our 8th grade students celebrated their graduation this past Friday.  We are proud of the way these wonderful young men and women have learned and have grown over their years at Holy Name School.  As a class and as individuals, they truly represent our values of reverence, respect, and responsibility.  Some individual students were recognized for various awards.

The Academic Excellence Awards recognize the 8th grade young man and young woman who have demonstrated outstanding educational commitment to their academic subjects as evidenced by their superior grade average.  This year’s recipients are Jenna Westrick and Naven Sirsikar.

The Catholic Daughters of America Award and Knights of Columbus Awards are presented to students who live out the principles of Christian life.  This year’s recipient of the Catholic Daughters of America Award is Lauren Long.This year’s recipients of the Knights of Columbus Awards are Cami Myers and Naven Sirsikar.

The Senatorial Award of 35th District of Pennsylvania is sponsored by Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. for the students in the graduating class who display high standards of scholastic achievement, have demonstrated leadership and generosity, and are members in good standing of the honor roll.  This year’s recipients are Mahala Lieb, Ava Lonesky, Madison Ostinowsky, and Daniel Yunetz.

The American Legion Award of Post 363 is presented each year to an outstanding young man and young woman in the graduating class.  The award is voted on by the members of the class based on six areas:  Scholarship, Americanism, Leadership, Service, Honor and Courage.   This year’s recipients are Madison Ostiowsky and Naveen Sirsikar..

Our final quote is from Frederick W. Robertson: “Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life.”

If you would like to know more about Holy Name Elementary School, visit us on our Facebook page at The Official Holy Name School.

[Photos: The 2019 Holy Name graduating class (top). Eight students received awards at the Holy Name School Eighth Grade Graduation Ceremony on May, 24, 2019. First row: Mahala Lieb, Ava Lonesky, Jenna Westrick Second row: Daniel Yunetz, Cami Myers,  Lauren Long, Madison Ostinowsky and Naveen Sirsikar.]