To PROCLAIM and TEACH — June 2021 Update


Continuing with phase one of the strategic growth planning process with schools in the diocese, we of the Meitler team have completed an onsite visit with every elementary and high school during the month of May. Several hours were spent meeting with the principals, some administrative staff members, pastors, and members of the school boards and school advisory councils. We were appreciative of the warm hospitality shown to us at during each visit and equally gratified to experience the beautiful diocesan countryside.

These visits have been a wonderful opportunity to listen and learn about the experience of each school community, their strengths, hopes, challenges, and vision for the future. Key areas of discussion during the visit focused on the school’s Catholic identity, local demographics, enrollment trends and issues, academic programs, leadership and governance as well as finances. A tour of the facilities also provided a look at the physical plant and its needs looking forward.

The information and experiences gathered during these school visits will be incorporated into the data study and analysis that will lay the foundation for the growth plan itself. Combined with the quantitative data, community and Catholic demographics, all of the information will provide a more comprehensive view of potential directions to consider for the future of Catholic school education throughout the diocese.

“We were pleased to recently welcome the Meitler Group into Bishop McCort as we participate in the strategic growth planning process for Catholic Education throughout our region. We recognize this undertaking as providing a clear pathway to our future success. Myself and my administrative team look forward to the results of this study and many years of providing an option for regional students to enjoy the benefits of a Bishop McCort Catholic education.“  –Mr. Tom Smith, Principal, Bishop McCort Catholic High School

“The Meitler Group visited our diocese and each individual school. The visit was warm and welcoming. They asked very insightful and positive questions about our school, facilities, school families, and parish. The Meitler Group toured the facilities and grounds to make sure all aspects of their research would be covered to formulate their report. I truly look forward to the strategic growth planning process as we boldly move ahead on this project. I am confident that this will be a positive and engaging process that will assist our schools and parishes for many years to come.”  –Mr. Jeffrey Maucieri, Principal, Saint Benedict Catholic School in Carrolltown

A second part of the data collection and analysis phase of the planning process is a request for input from all clergy, all faculty and school staff members, families with children enrolled at the Catholic schools, Catholic families with children enrolled in other schools (public, private, home school), and school board and school advisory council members. Surveys were distributed in late May among these various groups to provide an opportunity for them to share their point of view about their individual school and Catholic school education in general. This is essential information that will also help shape the strategic growth plan as it is developed. A summary of the survey results will be shared in future progress reports.

We are grateful to all who participated in the onsite school visits, for their leadership, vision and willingness to share what their schools are experiencing and how they hope to shape their future. Each school has much to be proud of in striving to bring our Catholic faith alive for each student every day and provide an education that will allow them to realize their God-given talents and succeed in their life.

We remind you to stay in touch with the “To PROCLAIM and TEACH” planning process in several ways: check out the diocesan website and click on “To Proclaim and Teach” site to keep up to date and follow the diocesan Facebook page for up-to-date progress on the process.