Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish Recognizes Graduating Seniors


Submitted by Lloyd Roach
Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish

Eight graduating Seniors of Saint Thomas the Apostle Church were recognized at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, June 2, 2019.

Miss Barbara Carrodus, representing the Saint Thomas the Apostle Ladies Guild, reviewed the requirements needed for application for the Guild’s Annual Scholarship. Students must attend CCD classes and Mass regularly and must render some kind of service to the Church.

Among the applicants were Altar Servers, an Extraordinary Minister, usher and youth choir members.  Six seniors applied for the scholarship and all presented outstanding achievement in service to their church, their school and community.  The Ladies Guild awarded scholarships to:

Madison Cain, Nicholas Evans, Hannah Regester, John Patterson, Luke Yanoshak and Michael Zubak.

Mr. Phillip Gardill of the Knights of Columbus Council #1439, listed the requirements for the Knights of Columbus scholarship. This year’s successful candidate was Ben Zimmerman.

Mr. Gardill awarded certificates for those seniors who were Altar Servers:  Hannah Regester, Ben Zimmerman, Michael Zubak and Luke Yanoshak all for 9 years of service, and John Patterson for 7 years of service.

Father Richard Tomkosky, Pastor of Saint Thomas the Apostle Church, presented the Kayla Ann Nicodemus Memorial Endowment Fund Scholarship.  Kayla was an altar server who was killed in an automobile accident during her freshman year in college.  While in high school she had helped train future altar servers and recognized the importance of the Catholic faith in her life.

The scholarship was awarded to Senior altar servers: Hannah Regester, Luke Yanoshak, Michael Zubak, Ben Zimmerman and John Patterson. Father Tomkosky presented a Holy Bible to each of the seniors on behalf of the Saint Thomas Community.  These students were commended for their service to the church, parish and their faith.

Founded by Father Demetrius Gallitizin in 1817,  Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish, now with over 200 years in continuous service, is one of the oldest Catholic parishes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For more information, visit:

[Photo: Nicholas Evans, Michael Zubak, Luke Yanoshak, Ben Zimmerman, Father Richard Tomkosky (Pastor), Hanna Regester, John Patterson, and Madison Cain.]