Saint Peter’s Postings – News from Saint Peter School in Somerset


Called to be Saints! September 2019

Welcome Back School Family!

Welcome Back School Family!

St. Peter School’s 2019-2020 school year kicked off on Tuesday, August 27th. New and old faces provided the sunshine on a rather soggy day. But our spirits could not be dampened especially when our friend, Ian Rosenbaum, got off the bus and walked into his classroom for the first time since his diagnosis last fall! Talk about a holy moment! Ian’s smile and the outpouring of excitement to have him back with us truly gave us all more reasons to embrace this new year as a blessing! An Opening Day Mass was led by Monsignor Tomaselli and with that the year was in full swing. This year’s theme is “Called to be Saints…the Superheroes of God!” We will study and celebrate the saints throughout the year as we look for those “holy moments” in our days when we too are called to be saintly in what we say and do. We will continue with our Faith Families this year and plan to have Faith Families and Homerooms adopt a patron saint for the year. One of our new initiatives is the new online practice program called Moby Max. With it, students will be able to log on and practice skills in all core subjects (except Religion) and with teacher input, those skills can be differentiated as needed for individual needs. More information about this will be sent home in the coming weeks. We also were able to purchase many new STEM items for our school for all grades including Lego’s, Dot & Dash, Little Bits and many others. We will be rotating items in classroom this year. Special thanks to the Diocesan office for help with this project! We also want to thank our Maintenance and Rectory staffs for their help in preparing the school for the new year including new security cameras that give us extra views of the outside of the school and new lighting in the Library classroom as well as many other improvements. Here’s to a great year of learning and growing in faith each day!

Welcome Back School Family!

St. Peter School Open House Announced

Monday, Sep. 9th, 6:30-8pm

433 West Church Street

Somerset, PA

Friends and family welcome to stop in and see student work, visit teachers and enjoy some fellowship with each other. Be sure to visit the Scholastic Book Fair in the Library going on during Open House too!

Teachers’ Years of Service Celebrated!

Three St. Peter School teachers will be recognized later this month for their years of service to Catholic Education and St. Peter School. Mrs. Sheila Ulerich will be recognized and honored for her 30 (and 1/2) years of teaching at St. Peter School and Mrs. Kelly Mateljan and Miss. Juliann Isgan will be recognized for their 5 years of service. All three teachers are alumni of St. Peter School and both Mrs. Ulerich’s and Mrs. Mateljan’s children also graduated from St. Peter’s. Our school is blessed by the service and love these women and all of our teachers have for our school. Definitely Saints in my book! All three teachers will be recognized by Bishop Mark Bartchak at the Diocesan In-Service on Friday, September 27 at Our Lady of Victory School in State College. God bless them all!

PTA News - Pizza and Subs are Coming!

PTA News – Pizza and Subs are Coming!

The St. Peter School PTA is starting the year off with lunch and supper opportunities for busy families! This month they are leading our school’s Marianna’s Sub and Pizza Fundraiser! What a great time to knock off a few dinners or lunches with these items as fall sports, dance schedules and homework rev up again. All families received order forms in the first Family Folder and forms and money are due by September 10th. Items will be delivered to the Parish Hall and available for pick-up on Friday, September 20th. If successful we hope to offer this fundraiser monthly so be sure to spread the word! The PTA will hold it’s first meeting on Monday, September 16th at 7pm in the Parish Hall. This year’s officers include: Co-Presidents: Mandie Acey and David Sube; Co-Vice Presidents: Jenn McKelvey and Karen Menser; Secretary: Ann Stoy; Treasurer: Lindsey Swearman. The officers will be on hand at the Open House on Monday evening, September 9th, for parents to sign up for different events coming up this year. We also extend a sincere thanks to the PTA for their purchase of eight MacBooks for the faculty this year and the acquisition of two new mounts for Smart Projector installment. The PTA, in partnership with Mrs. Harris, has also been leading efforts to acquire some grant money to upgrade and extend the Ipads in the school for classroom use. Be sure to find out how you can use your gifts and talents to help our PTA. There will be event sign-ups at the Open House, the PTA Meeting and we will send surveys home as well.

PTA News - Pizza and Subs are Coming!

St. Peter School Annual Gransparents’ Day Picnic & Scholastic Book Fair!

Tuesday, Sep. 10th, 11:45am-12:30pm

433 West Church Street

Somerset, PA

Parents, Grandparents or special relatives are invited to join students for lunch this day to celebrate the gift of family. Be sure to pack a lunch and arrive no later than 11:45. There will be limited seating in the Hall so we encourage you to bring a blanket or chairs to sit outside on the grounds. Students will be dismissed to family members at the ramp entrance of the school at 11:45am so be sure to pick them up there safely. We will also serve ice cream at the school entrance beginning at noon. Be sure to check out the Scholastic Book Fair in the library after you enjoy your lunches.

Author Kathy Miller to Visit St. Peter School

Author Kathy Miller to Visit St. Peter School

Renown author, Kathy Miller, of the “Chippy Chimpmunk” book series will be visiting St. Peter School on Tuesday, October 15th. She will lead workshops about writing and photography with students throughout the morning and then enjoy lunch with our Rock’n Readers Reading Competition Team and then autograph books for students in the afternoon. Parents and younger siblings will also have the opportunity to stop in and meet Kathy at a “Meet and Greet” from 2-2:45pm that afternoon in the Library. Parents will receive order forms for any of Kathy’s books to order ahead. These will then be presented to students and signed during the afternoon Book Signing. Limited extra books will be brought that day so parents are encouraged to order ahead if they would like their child(ren) to receive a book. All order forms and payments are due by October 11th. We thank the Somerset Reading Council and Rockwood School District for partnering with us to bring this event to our own young authors!

Author Kathy Miller to Visit St. Peter School

Corporal Works of Mercy Yard Sale

Saturday, Oct. 5th, 8am-2pm

St. Peter’s Church Parish Hall

We are happy to announce we will once again hold our “Corporal Works of Mercy” Rummage Sale on Saturday, October 5th in the Parish Hall. If you have items to donate, please see the flyers that were sent home or call the school. We also need many willing hands (young and old!) to help sort and price items prior to the day of the sale. Please also see the flyer for descriptions of what donations can and cannot be accepted for the sale and where and when to drop items off. It’s a good time to clean out those closets and cupboards! Last year our school donated all the proceeds to the Ian Rosenbaum foundation and to the Somerset County Mobile Food Bank.

A Few Tidbits & Reminders

A Few Tidbits & Reminders

  • Fall Pictures will be taken Thursday, September 19th. Students may dress nicely for pictures but must follow “dress down” guidelines in the school handbook. Parents are to order ahead either online or using the order forms sent home. All students will have their pictures taken.There will be a make-up and retake day in late October.
  • Dress Code We have taken some time to review our school dress code with each class this year as we have some changes that were included in this year’s Handbook including the size and color of socks and colors of dress shoes for Mass. We will send a summary of those changes home this week. Students will not be penalized this year for shoes as new ones may have just been purchased. Also, girls are only permitted to wear hair bows to school that do not exceed 4″ from end to end. Please also refer to the Dress Code for Dress Down guidelines for all Dress Down Days including Fall and Spring Picture Day. Thank you for your cooperation!
  • Book Covers The school book covers arrived today Friday 9/6 and all hardback student textbooks will need covered by September 13th. We will send the books home in small quantities to be covered with parent help. For a proper book covering tutorial, check out our youtube video below! Thanks to all of our bookcover sponsors for this year’s bookcovers!
A Few Tidbits & Reminders

SPS Book Covers 101
Background Checks Renewals

Background Checks Renewals

Many of our seasoned volunteers who have been around for a while will soon be notified that they need to update or renew some of their clearances and background checks to continue to volunteer at our school. It has been almost five years since many of us completed these and the state extended the three year expiration to five years in 2017. So if any of the required clearances are older than 2014, they will need renewed. Since 2014 there have been many changes to the requirements including the addition of Act 126 Mandated Reporter Training and the return to the “Virtus” diocesan format. Volunteers should be notified by email when their clearances need updated. You can also call the school and find out as well. As always, we ask that if you are renewing clearances of any kind, to please submit any and all paperwork or certificates to the school office or at least copies to the office. We will then submit them to the diocese after making copies for our records. Very often throughout the school year, parents will call and ask for a copy of a clearance for volunteer coaching or other activity then we have copies here. It is also a good idea to keep copies for yourself when and if possible. The new Act 126 Mandated Reporter Training is now required for all volunteers (only when it is time to renew clearances.) The free video course is quite lengthy but can be paused and completed at different times. We also anticipate an “in person” combined workshop of VIRTUS and Mandated Reporter Training in the early spring. Again, volunteers will be notified by email or other means when and if clearances and trainings require updating or renewal. As always, we thank our volunteers for their efforts in acquiring all the needed clearances and for their valuable time and commitment to our school. Feel free to always call the school with any questions or concerns.

Background Checks Renewals

St. Peter School Mission Statement

The mission of St. Peter School is to first spread the Good News. By providing an educational and spiritual environment rich in knowledge and experiences, students will be empowered to achieve academic, social, physical and spiritual excellence. Our mission is to create lifelong learners that are guided by their faith and commitment to “be the good” and “do good” throughout their lives. We model the Master Teacher, Jesus, by encouraging students to challenge themselves academically and to follow their faith in all of their life’s decisions.