McCort Leaders Cut Ribbon on Media Center


Bishop Mark joined officials at Bishop McCort Catholic High School in Johnstown and other community leaders in cutting the ribbon and dedicating the school’s new Toyota Media Center.

The project involved a complete renovation of the former DePaul Library, which now includes state-of-the-art technology set in a collegiate-styled environment.

The study carrels, collaboration rooms, interactive classroom and DePaul Commons area are reflective of Bishop McCort’s college preparatory curriculum.

“This major renovation project reflects the commitment that we have of providing the best environment for our students to reach their high achieving goals,” stated McCort Principal/CAO Tom Smith. “We are blessed to have outstanding support from our
Board of Trustees, Alumni and community partners in completing this endeavor.”

The Toyota Media Center renovation was made possible by Laurel Toyota, Avail
Business Systems, The Thomas and Michelle Deter Family, The Dr. William Fritz
Family and The Independent Catholic Foundation.