CDA Participating in Annual Global Rosary Relay

From the Catholic Daughters of the Americas
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Prince Gallitzin #2625 (serving all 11 Altoona parishes and beyond) invites the faithful to join the Court in the 12th Annual Global Rosary Relay on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 11, 2021 at Saint John the Evangelist Church, 344 Baynton Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602.
A quiet, prayerful gathering begins at 5:15 PM with the Rosary starting at 5:45 PM.  We’re uniting together, praying the Rosary, to help encircle the world in prayer, for the sanctification of priests.  We are joining with the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., a Catholic Daughters of the Americas national charity, in praying the Glorious Mysteries.
If you prefer to participate privately, you can use the online registration form:  Once the page opens, scroll down until you see “Individual registration form for participation in the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay.”  For more information visit us at: or contact Pattie at
Find us online at: Catholic Daughters primary focus is Spirituality and Service! New members are always welcome!  Contact us at: Help us help our neighbors in need!  Be Kind … Purchase a t-shirt, with an inspirational message, today!  The price ranges from $8.00 to $11.00.  Proceeds benefit the good works of Court Prince Gallitzin #2625.  Flyers and order tickets, with all of the pertinent information, are available in most church foyers and parish offices, and a link to the online flyer can be found at:  For more information, contact Kris at: