Catholic Charities Transitioning Shelter Back to Redevelopment Authority


After an eight-year partnership with the Redevelopment Authority of Cambria County (RACC), Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown will transition operations of the Martha and Mary House Homeless Shelter in Johnstown back to the RACC on December 31, 2023.

Since Catholic Charities began operating the shelter in 2015, the facility has served the community by providing temporary shelter and housing support for more than 1,300 individuals. This transition with the shelter comes as Catholic Charities is engaging in a reorganization to support under-resourced individuals who are striving to achieve social and economic stability.

“Addressing housing insecurity will continue to be a part of Catholic Charities’ service to the community,” assured Cindy O’Connor, Executive Director of Catholic Charities.

“We are proud of our relationship with Catholic Charities,” explained Renee Daly, RACC Executive Director. “We are disappointed that the partnership will end, but we recognize the need for Catholic Charities to focus their homelessness prevention through other avenues. We appreciate the professionalism and commitment of Catholic Charities to the Martha and Mary House Homeless Shelter. We will continue to work with them in their future efforts in Cambria County.”

Due to grant restrictions, the RACC will continue to maintain the structure, located at 899 Bedford Street in Dale Borough, as a homeless shelter for at least three additional years. Because of this requirement, the RACC will advertise a Request for Proposal for the shelter’s facility operations and intake/case management. The proposals must be submitted to the RACC by November 21, 2023. To prevent any lapse in serving those in need, contract approval is anticipated in mid-December, with the new management entity beginning operations on January 1, 2024.

“We will work with the Redevelopment Authority to make this transition as seamless as possible,” added O’Connor.