Vocation Discernment Opportunity for Young Men


College and young adult men: An opportunity to discern your vocation is being made available via the convenience of Zoom. Every Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. join others in an organized discussion about different aspects of prayer and vocational discernment. We will use the book To Save a Thousand Souls, which can be ordered for FREE by going to GoPriest.com and selecting “free resources.” If you are interested, please contact Father Peter Crowe at vocations@dioceseaj.org to receive the zoom link. There is no commitment or pressure, just an opportunity to be with others, at least digitally, to gather in prayer, and have a good discussion that could be very helpful. If we don’t know about a vocation, it is not possible to properly discern it. We need good men to say yes to our Lord. Could that man be you? Come and see!