Tyrone Parish to Host Annual Respect Life March


A beautiful tradition is happening once again this year at a Blair County parish.

The 38th annual Respect Life March will be held on January 19 at Saint Matthew Parish in Tyrone.

The event will begin with a brief prayer service inside the church at Noon, followed by a 1.25 mile walk to Oak Grove Cemetery and the grave of Baby Agnes Doe for another short prayer service.

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Saint Gregory Council at Saint Matthew Parish, the Respect Life March began after the remains of an unidentified child were found in the Bellwood area of Blair County in 1987.

When authorities completed their investigation, the Knights adopted the baby, gave her the name Baby Agnes Doe, and provided a funeral Mass and proper burial. Pro-life individuals have gathered every year since then.

For those who are not physically able to make the trek to the cemetery, the Rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet will be prayed in the church while the others walking. A hot luncheon will be served in the parish hall after the march.