Sister Ann of the Mother of God, OCD 1927-2019


Sister Ann of the Mother of God, OCD, was 92 years old when our Lord took her to Himself.  She was born Margaret (Peggy) Louise Wiedemer on March 26, 1927, in Newry, PA.  She was the ninth child born to Martin and Regina(Coslow) Wiedemer.  The family moved to Altoona, PA, where she attended catholic schools run by sisters who influenced her vocation to religious life as well as her cousin who was an extern sister at the Carmel of Loretto, PA.

At age 19 she entered the Carmelite Monastery in Loretto, PA and in 1950 became a founding sister of the Monastery in Little Rock.  The temporary monastery was located next door to the school board building on Louisiana Street that was bombed in 1959 during the Civil Rights unrest.  Because of structural damage to the house the sisters moved to their present location on West 32nd Street.  Out of her 72 years as a Carmelite, she served 54 years preparing meals for the sisters and helping out wherever needed.   In 1990 she volunteered to help out the Carmel in New Orleans and returned to Little Rock ten years later after they began flourishing again in Covington LA.

Her passion was to pray for Priests and those who were in prison.  She empathized deeply with those who lacked the basic necessities of life.  She immediately set any stranger at ease because she saw Christ in them.  She would often say “Every leaf on that tree is an act of love to Jesus from me” and that was evident in her life of faith, love and service to her sisters and friends.   She had a playful spirit that helped lighten the heavy hearted.  She was often seen spending time praying in the choir and whenever asked to do something she immediately dropped everything to joyfully take on the task. In her later years she spent much time corresponding with those who wrote to the Monastery for prayers.  Even while in the Infirmary she continued to care for other sisters.  She will be missed by all who knew her.

She is survived by many devoted nieces, nephews and their families, her beloved Carmelite Nuns, Carmelite Friars at MaryLake, Carmelite Seculars of Little Rock, and many friends.
The community wishes to express their gratitude to those who lovingly cared for her during the years proceeding her death.  Visitation was held on July 25. A funeral Mass was celebrated on Friday July 26 at the Carmelite Monastery Chapel, 7201 West 32nd Street, Little Rock, AR. Burial followed. Funeral Arrangements are through Griffin, Leggett. Healey & Roth Funeral Home, Little Rock, Arkansas.