Parish Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19


An employee of Saint Benedict Parish in Johnstown has tested positive for COVID-19 and is under quarantine for two weeks. Parishioners have been notified, and the Saint Benedict church building is closed to the public at this time. It will be sanitized by a professional cleaning company.

A funeral Mass is scheduled for Friday, September 18 at 10:00 a.m. at the parish, and public Masses at Saint Benedict will resume on September 18 with the celebration of the 12:05 p.m. Mass. Weekend Masses will be celebrated as usual.

Anyone who feels uncomfortable visiting the parish at this time is reminded that Bishop Mark Bartchak has waived the obligation to attend Sunday Mass until further notice. The Bishop continues to direct all clergy and parishioners to wear masks at all Masses and other liturgical gatherings and to practice physical distancing.

The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown offers thoughts and prayers to the Saint Benedict employee, the Saint Benedict Parish family, and everyone affected by the coronavirus pandemic. May God grant them healing and comfort.