Out of Caution, Catholic Charities Temporarily Stops In-Person Intakes


Out of an abundance of caution, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown will restrict office locations to staff only beginning on November 12 and continuing until further notice. All intakes will occur via telephone and email. This new procedure comes as the number of cases of COVID-19 throughout the region continues to rise.

Catholic Charities serves individuals and families – no matter their faith tradition – through emergency financial assistance requests and counseling. Intake through phone and e-mail will not hinder the agency’s ability to assist those with emergency needs, it will just alter the way information is gathered. Staff has been instructed to carry out all intakes by phone and to ask clients to e-mail proof of income.

In-person intake is expected to resume when the surge in local COVID-19 cases subsides.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown operates offices in Altoona, Johnstown, and State College.