Musician Christopher Benos, Parish Choirs to Perform Summer Concert


An Altoona parish is getting ready to host a distinguished musician.

Saint John the Evangelist Parish in Altoona will be the site of a “Sounds of Summer” concert on August 18 at 3:00 p.m. featuring Christopher Benos.

Benos has published five albums of piano music streamed in more than 46 countries.

His music draws inspiration from people, places, and memories and encourages listeners to cherish love, faith, and family, and live for life’s journey, wherever that may lead.

His newest album, Winter Walk, was composed in Hollidaysburg/Altoona.

The concert on August 18 will be a mixed program of secular and sacred music performed by Benos and supported by the choirs of Saint John and Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishes.

This event will benefit youth scholarships to Camp Zaccheus next summer through free will donations. Camp Z is the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown summer camp for students in grades 4-9.