Meitler Describes Roles and Responsibilities in Strategic Growth Planning Process


In developing a strategic growth plan with the Catholic schools in the diocese, we of the Meitler team have set up two working groups to assist us and provide leadership throughout the process, the Steering Committee and the Strategic Growth Planning Task Force. Both groups are essential to this process.

The Planning Task Force is the primary working group in the planning process. Comprised of representative pastors with and without a school at their parish, school administrators and educators (elementary and high school) and local community leaders with expertise in community planning, demographics and finances. The Task Force’s primary role is to work with us to provide vision, leadership, direction, context and experience for the plan. This is the primary representative group that will help identify the goals and objectives for the future of the schools and bring them to the school and parish communities for consultation as the plan evolves. Areas of school life that form the foundation the Planning Task Force will focus on are in the National Standards and Benchmarks of Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools and include Catholic mission and identity, academic excellence, leadership and governance, and operational vitality (enrollment, advancement, facilities and finances). As the goals, objectives and action plans are developed beginning in the fall, there will be opportunities for consultation with clergy, school administrators, parents, faculty and school staff members, interested parishioners and others to gain a broader perspective from the school and parish communities before the plan is finalized.

A second group, the Steering Committee, is set up to assist us and the Planning Task Force in the planning process. Consisting of diocesan leadership and advisors, the Steering Committee focuses on the vision for Catholic education and diocesan policies as well as provides direction and parameters for the plan in the context of those policies. This group is an opportunity for the Bishop and diocesan leaders to “walk the walk” of the process and have input at each step so approval of the plan at the conclusion of Phases 1 and 2 (data study and plan development) is virtually a given.

Additional working groups may be established if and when needed as the strategic growth plan develops. These special groups could focus on academic and curricular quality, finances and schools funding model, development, or facilities. The intent is to take advantage of local expertise and experience in providing a more detailed and focused view of specific issues and challenges.

Phase 1, the data research and analysis, will continue through August with Key Findings presentations conducted in late August and early September. Actual plan development begins in August and will continue through April or May of 2022.

Stay in touch with the “To PROCLAIM and TEACH” planning process in several ways: check out the diocesan website and click on the “To PROCLAIM and TEACH” section and follow the diocesan Facebook.