Local Catholic School Students Among Those Joining the “Uplift Your Priest” Campaign


Local Catholic school students are among those joining in the “Uplift Your Priest” campaign.

Sponsored by Houston-based Vocation Ministry, “Uplift Your Priest,” scheduled for April 17-28, is designed to inspire the laity to support and encourage their priests and make them aware that their daily sacrifices are recognized and appreciated.

During the 12 days, individuals and families are encouraged to do things such as send their priests supportive cards, notes, or text messages; drop off snacks or meals; have children create drawings; and, of course, pray for them.

Watch Proclaim! TV on April 16 at 10:30 a.m. on WATM ABC 23 to celebrate priests, including Father Leo Arnone, Pastor of Saint Aloysius and Saint Francis Xavier Parishes in Cresson and All Saints Catholic School in Cresson. The show will include a segment highlighting the impact of Father Arnone’s joyful contributions to the school community – both spiritually and recreationally. Saint Michael School in Loretto and Saint Peter School in Somerset will also salute their pastors, the Very Reverend John Byrnes, JCL, JV, and the Very Reverend Angelo Patti, VF, respectively.

[Photo: Father Leo Arnone poses with All Saints Catholic School students during their rectory visit.]