Knights of Columbus to Pray Rosary in Support of Police


Plans are in the works to prayerfully support our brave police officers.

The Knights of Columbus Council 11308 at Saint Andrew Parish in Johnstown will pray the Rosary in front of the Johnstown Police Department on October 9 at 3:00 p.m.

“We want to support all law enforcement and their families during these trying times,” said Grand Knight David Lubinsky. “I think it is important during this time of so much negative publicity the police are getting to pray for them and pray for their protection as they protect us.”

The Knights council at Saint Andrew boasts about 110 members.

According to Lubinsky, the idea for the Rosary came from a Knight who was outside of the area, but recently joined the local council.

All are invited to join the Knights in praying the Rosary outside of the Johnstown Police Department on Washington Street in the city.