Hawk Headlines — Happenings at Holy Name School in Ebensburg


Submitted by Holy Name School

The warmer weather of April is bringing forth new life all around us, reminding us that we will soon be celebrating Jesus’s Resurrection to new life at Easter. This column was prepared by Ava Lonesky and Lauren Long.

In fourth grade the students are completing Lenten Posters entitled “My Lenten Journey”. These posters were created by the students using personal illustrations of the sacrifices and changes they are making during Lent.

Last week, students in fifth and sixth grade represented Holy Name School at the Spring Elementary Interscholastic Reading Competition earning a Second Place ribbon. The team members were Sophie Becquet, Samantha Buynack, Isabella Duman, Katarina Galli, Maddie Kilraine, Anna Knobloch, Olivia Link, Ella Lytle, Kateri McCool, Addison Misner, Emma Nyland , and Karlie Schoop. Congratulations to the team and their coaches Miss Chalich, Mrs. Kline and Mrs. Kirsch.

What do you do with all of your plastic bottle caps? The eighth grade class has used them as tiles, designing mosaics out of all shapes, sizes and colors of caps. Some of the artwork includes a sea turtle, a duck, a cross, the world, and a tree. These murals take a lot of time and planning and are a wonderful way to turn trash into beauty.

The seventh and eighth grade will be celebrating National Poetry Month by writing and sharing original poetry. The students will circulate through different writing stations, each allowing students to experiment with different poetic forms and to experiment with white space, line breaks, rhythm, rhyme and meter. Once they have finished writing and revising, the students will share their favorites in a Poetry Slam.

Our final quote is from Bernard Williams: “The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.”

If you would like to know more about Holy Name School in pictures and videos, please find us on Facebook at the Official Holy Name School.

[Photo: Landon, Cameron and Ava, fourth grade students at Holy Name School,  pose with the “My Lenten Journey” posters they created in religion class.]