The Dynamic of Fear in our Life
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Dealing with fear, anxiety, and craziness in life? I remember as a young priest a few years in, I was dealing...
The Purification of One’s Heart
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Are our hearts focused on God? Or are they divided? It is a real battle, as Saint Paul says (see Romans...
Back to School Lessons with the Saints
Column by Jonathan Nagy
The end of August brings the end of the summer season and the beginning of a new school year in Pennsylvania....
The Mass/Eucharist as the Source of All Prayer
By Father Rich Tomkosky
In the last few weeks, the Lord has called us to reflect on what it means to be a person of...
Spiritual Encouragement in this Earthly Valley of Tears
By Father Rich Tomkosky
At times in this earthy life, there is a real temptation to give up during many difficulties. Courage or fortitude (spiritual...
Jesus’ Thirst for Us
By Father Rich Tomkosky
“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”...
God is Never Outdone in Generosity
By Father Rich Tomkosky
For the next five weeks we will be hearing from the Gospel of John chapter 6, which is the definitive teaching...
Seton and Gallitzin – Forging a Pathway to Holiness
Column by Jonathan Nagy
Recently, and rather stunningly, a major American media outlet posted on their Facebook page a story about the regulations and requirements...
Embracing the Gift of God’s Peace in Our Life
By Father Rich Tomkosky
Peace in the Scriptural and Catholic understanding is not simply the absence of conflict, which is a part of peace that...
Homily Message for Kathleen Tomkosky
Editor's Note: The following is the homily message given by Father Rich Tomkosky at the funeral Mass for his beloved mother, Kathleen Tomkosky, on...