Buffalo Priest to Give Polish Easter Customs Presentation


All Saints Parish in Boswell will host a presentation on Polish Easter customs on Tuesday, October 22 at the parish hall, 505 Center Street, at 6:30 p.m.

The customs, food, and devotions peculiar to the Polish expression of Easter are unique and developed over many centuries.

The presenter will be Father Czeslaw Krysa, an author and noted authority and Polish folk culture.

Presently the Rector of Saint Casimir Parish in in Buffalo, New York, Father Krysa holds a master’s degree in Liturgical Arts from the University of Notre Dame and a doctorate in Sacred Liturgy from the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm in Rome.

For many years, Father Krysa was on the faculty at Saints Cyril and Methodius Seminary in Orchard Lake Michigan.

An author and educator, he has helped guide many in the Polish-American community in rediscovering their own family legacies and traditions through workshops on religious ritual practices and publications.

He is the author of an extensive book entitled A Polish Christmas Eve: Traditions and Recipes, Decorations and Song, and has produced a video series about Polish ethnic traditions.

Father Krysa received the Oskar Kolberg Award, the highest ethnographic honor awarded by the Polish Ministry of Culture.

He was twice named Citizen of the Year by the Am-Pol Eagle newspaper and is the recipient of the Michigan Heritage Award from the Michigan State University Museum for his contribution in the dual categories of traditional artist and community leader.

The event will include refreshments, is free of charge, and open to all, however participants are asked to register either by phoning the parish office at 814-629-5551 or by emailing the parish secretary Emily Marsh at emarsh@dioceseaj.org.