Bishop’s Appointments


Bishop Mark has announced the following clergy appointments:

REVEREND JERZY M. AUGUSCIK, OFM CONV., appointed Pastor of Saint Michael Parish in St. Michael, effective July 16, 2024. He was formerly assigned as Administrator of this parish.

REVEREND NELSON JAVIER, TOR, appointed Pastor of Saint Mark Parish in Altoona and Holy Rosary Parish in Altoona, effective July 16, 2024. He was formerly assigned as Administrator of these parishes.

REVEREND ARON M. MAGHSOUDI, appointed Pastor of All Saints Parish in Boswell, effective July 16, 2024. He was formerly assigned as Administrator of this parish. He continues as Pastor of Our Lady Queen of Angels in Central City, Pastor of Holy Family Parish in Hooversville, and Sacramental Minister at SCI Laurel Highlands in Somerset.

REVEREND JEREMY J. MOHLER, appointed Administrator of Saint Catherine of Siena Parish in Duncansville, effective July 16, 2024. He was previously assigned in the Diocese of Pittsburgh.

REVEREND JOSEPH C. NALE, appointed Pastor of Saint John the Baptist Parish in Summerhill and Immaculate Conception Parish in New Germany, effective July 16, 2024. He was formerly assigned as Administrator of these parishes. He continues as Pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish in South Fork and Saint Bartholomew Parish in Wilmore.

REVEREND BRIAN P. NORRIS, appointed Pastor of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Parish in Altoona, effective July 16, 2024. He was formerly assigned as Administrator of this parish. He continues as Sacramental Minister to Bishop Guilfoyle Academy in Altoona.

REVEREND MICHAEL A. PLEVA, appointed Pastor of Saint Matthew Parish in Tyrone and Saint Joseph Parish in Bellwood, effective July 16, 2024. He was formerly assigned as Administrator of these parishes.

REVEREND MARK R. REID, appointed Pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish in Huntingdon, effective July 16, 2024. He was formerly assigned as Administrator of this parish. He continues as Administrator of Immaculate Conception Parish in Dudley and Sacramental Minister to Juniata College in Huntingdon.

REVEREND MATTHIAS RENDON, OFM, appointed Pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Philipsburg, effective July 16, 2024. He was formerly assigned as Administrator of this parish. He continues to serve as Catholic Chaplain to Mt. Nittany Medical Center in State College.

REVEREND MONSIGNOR ROBERT J. SALY, from Pastor of Saint Catherine of Siena Parish in Duncansville, appointed to Senior Priest status, effective July 16, 2024. He will be residing in the Altoona area and will continue as Chaplain to Garvey Manor in Hollidaysburg.

REVEREND LEONARD E. VOYTEK, from Pastor of Saint Mary Parish in Nanty Glo, appointed to Senior Priest Status, effective July 23, 2024. 

REVEREND BRIAN L. WARCHOLA, appointed Administrator of Saint Mary Parish in Nanty Glo, effective July 23, 2024, continuing as Pastor of Holy Name Parish in Ebensburg.

REVEREND TIMOTHY HARRIS, TOR, with the consent of his superior, appointed Administrator of the Church of the Transfiguration Parish in Conemaugh, effective August 16, 2024, continuing as Pastor of Saint John Vianney Parish in Mundys Corner.

REVEREND JOACHIM MORGAN, OSB, at the recommendation of his superior, assigned as Campus Minister to the Penn State Catholic Community, University Park, effective August 1, 2024.

DEACON CHRISTOPHER CONNER, from diaconal ministry at Saint Bernard Parish in Hastings, appointed to diaconal ministry at Holy Name Parish in Ebensburg, effective July 23, 2024.