Bishop, Brother Knights Looking Forward to Annual Celebration


By Tony DeGol

The Knights of Columbus do much more than add solemnity and pageantry to Masses.

At the upcoming 2021 gathering of knights in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, their tradition of helping neighbors in need will surely be highlighted.

The annual celebration is scheduled for October 17 in Loretto.

Bishop Mark will celebrate Mass at 2:00 p.m. at the Basilica of Saint Michael the Archangel. A social and dinner will immediately follow in the Our Lady of Loretto Community Hall next to the Basilica and Saint Michael School. The guest speaker will be Pennsylvania State Deputy Kenneth Grugel.

“As members of the Knights of Columbus, you and I should be examples of what it means to be right with God and with our neighbor,” noted the Bishop in his invitation to the gathering. “At our annual Mass, we will have the opportunity to renew our faith and the manner in which each of us are right with God, who is always right, and just, and faithful to us. And we will do that especially this year by invoking the intercession of Saint Joseph.”

All knights, their family, friends, and fellow parishioners are invited to the Mass and dinner.

“Please consider reaching out to a potential new member in your area and invite him and his spouse to this annual gathering,” urged the Bishop to his brother knights. “I look forward to praying and being with all of you.”

The cost of the dinner is $15 for adults and $7.50 for children 12 and younger. Reservations are required by October 9. Contact William Stasko, 8 Entrance Drive, Johnstown, PA  15905.