Benedictine Priest Placed on Leave from Public Ministry


Reverend Ananias Buccicone, OSB, Pastor of Queen of Peace Parish in Patton, has been placed on leave from public ministry following an accusation of recent inappropriate conduct involving minors. The allegation was reported to authorities, and law enforcement is investigating.

Father Buccicone, 58, was ordained a priest in the Benedictine Community of Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe in 1993. A native of Tarentum, Pennsylvania, he served in various roles outside of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown before being appointed Pastor of Queen of Peace in 2002. While on leave, Father Buccicone is not permitted to function publicly as a priest.

An administrator will be named for Queen of Peace, and Masses and other activities at the parish will continue as listed on the parish website.

Anyone with information about child sexual abuse is urged to report it to civil authorities.