Altoona Cathedral to Welcome London-Based Choir for Jubilee Year Concert


By Tony DeGol

Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament Music Director Leslie Thayer is calling it a “dream-come-true moment.”

She is referring to the upcoming concert performance of the Westminster Cathedral Choir of London at the Altoona Cathedral on April 3 at 7:00 p.m.

The Westminster Cathedral Choir is widely considered to be one of the finest choirs in the world, known for its daily liturgical singing in the Cathedral as well as its award-winning recordings and international concert tours.

Thayer met the director more than a year ago in London.

“They mentioned that they were going to begin to tour again now that COVID is over,” she explained. “So, in organizing their United States comeback, we had the opportunity to invite them to come to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, and they accepted that invitation.”

According to Thayer, the Westminster Cathedral Choir, comprised of boys and men, will present a concert of both Lenten and classical music.

“We’re going to be using our Steinmeyer organ, a very famous, historic instrument,” she added. “The boys and men are used to singing in large Cathedral spaces. It’s going to be very exciting to hear the organ and hear this choir singing. They will be upfront where everyone can see them, and there will be a portion of the concert that will take place in the choir loft, as well.”

There is no cost to attend the performance, but tickets are required.

The free tickets will be available beginning on the weekend of March 1 and 2 after Masses at the Cathedral.

The tickets will also be available at the Cathedral office beginning on March 3 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and continuing those hours throughout that week until the tickets are gone.

Each person may receive up to four tickets.

Sponsorship opportunities are also available, which would include special seating opportunities.

Like most cathedrals around the world, the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona has a rich history of hosting sacred music performances.

Not long ago, the world-renown Vienna Boys Choir performed two memorable concerts at the Altoona Cathedral, with the pews packed.

“The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament is a unique and amazing space,” Thayer reminded. “Cathedrals throughout history have been homes for the arts, and the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament is no different. We stand in a long line of cathedrals worldwide that have hosted and supported musical arts through the centuries.”

This upcoming concert with the Westminster Cathedral Choir falls in the midst of a Jubilee Year, which celebrates the theme Pilgrims of Hope.

“The Jubilee is a worldwide event, a worldwide pilgrimage of hope, and to celebrate that with an international choir from another cathedral in England is just a great, great opportunity to highlight our worldwide connections, and that can’t be underestimated or understated in this Jubilee Year,” Thayer said.

She extends a warm invitation to all to experience the April 3 performance by an elite, but parish-based choir.

“The boys and men who sing in this choir are real people who go to school and go to work and come and worship every week,” pointed out Thayer. “They are one of us, so it gives me incredible joy to share their gifts with our entire area.”