Priests, Lay Men to Headline Men’s Conference


The annual Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown STRENGTH IN CHRIST Men’s Conference is scheduled for the afternoon of March 30 at Mount Aloysius College in Cresson. The theme is Fishers of Men.

The Very Reverend Mark Begly, VF, Pastor of Our Mother of Sorrows and Saint Michael Parishes in Johnstown and Dean of the Johnstown Deanery, and the Very Reverend Matthew Baum, Rector of Saint John Gualbert Cathedral in Johnstown and Pastor of Saint Patrick Parish in Johnstown, will share their uplifting perspectives as the keynote presenters.

Father Peter Crowe, Pastor of Saint Andrew Parish in Johnstown and Diocesan Director of Vocations, will share his commitment to encouraging men to pray the Rosary, and he will feature the remarkable Rosaries he makes by hand.

Also, four lay parishioners who have faced unique life challenges – Matt Conrad of Our Lady of Victory Parish in State College, John Lechene of Saint Augustine Parish in Dysart, Joe Meintel of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Altoona, and Matt Stever of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Parish in Altoona – will share their powerful stories and discuss how their journeys have led them closer to the Lord.

Plus, Diocesan Director of Communications Tony DeGol will moderate a panel discussion with six other lay parishioners – Roy Holtz of Saint Augustine Parish in Dysart, John McIntyre of Saint Mary Parish in Hollidaysburg, Sean O’Dowd of Our Mother of Sorrows Parish in Johnstown, Brandon Peters of Saint Demetrius Parish in Gallitzin, Jeff Philibin of Saint Benedict Parish in Johnstown, and Eric Rusnak of Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Philipsburg – about their inspiring personal relationships with Jesus Christ.

The conference will include lunch and the celebration of the Sunday Mass.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Reservations can be made online through the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown website. Hard copy registration forms are also available at any parish in the diocese.

[Photo: The Very Reverend Mark Begly, VF, the Very Reverend Matthew Baum, and Father Peter Crowe.]