Vocations Director Launches Podcast


By Tony DeGol

According to statistics, roughly two-thirds of all podcast listeners in the United States are between the ages of 12-34.

Diocesan Director of Vocations Father Peter Crowe is hoping to capitalize on that audience as he works to reach young men trying to figure out what the Lord is calling them to do.

Father Crowe recently began a daily podcast in which he reads and reflects on a specific part of that day’s Gospel, and he highlights saints on their feast day.

“It’s all pointed towards encouraging the listeners to think about their vocation and respond to God’s call to them,” explained Father Crowe, who is also the Pastor of Saint Andrew Parish in Johnstown.

The podcasts, posted every day, are brief – usually under two minutes.

Father Crowe hopes to occasionally feature conversations between him and other priests as they share their vocation story.

Listeners can access the daily podcasts through the Vocations section on the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown website or through Apple and Spotify.

“I think this will be a good way to get the vocations message out there,” Father Crowe added.

[Photo: Father Peter Crowe holding the device he uses to record his daily podcasts.]