The Ends Never Meet


By Cindy O’Connor,
Executive Director, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown

Whether it is at the gas pump or the grocery store, everything is costing more. For those that have regular income, this means cutting out the extras, or as Gram used to say, “Tightening up your belt.” For our friends and neighbors in need, there is no tightening up or any more to cut from the budget. For a family in poverty, the ends never meet.

For our friends and neighbors who are struggling financially, the question isn’t, “When I can pay the bills?”, but if they can be paid at all. Every day is a struggle to meet the demands of growing children and rising prices. Their focus is on simply getting through the day. We call this the “Tyranny of the Moment” or when the only place to focus is right in front of you.

At Catholic Charities we work in collaboration with our community partners to address current emergency crisis affecting many individuals and families. In the coming months we will share how we are working on ways to give people opportunities to give themselves a hand up, so they can weather any storm. We believe that all people are doing the best they can. We also believe that when given the right tools, support and resources, that all families can live well. And when families do well, all our communities do too.

Catholic Charities has been serving Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Clinton, Fulton, Huntingdon, and Somerset counties more than 75 years. As the needs have increased, we are working to expand our ability to provide support and care. In the coming months we will be sharing some of the good news of our growth.

“Works of love directed to one’s neighbor are the most perfect external manifestation of the interior grace of the Spirit….”-Pope Francis. We have received grace and we can extend that to others. Catholic Charities has a place for you to serve. Reach out today to us at (814) 944-9388 or (814) 535-6538.