Somerset County Parish to Host Italian Culture Presentation


All Saints Parish in Boswell will be hosting a presentation about Italian culture on Sunday January 19, at 2:00 p.m.

The focus of the talk will be the Italian festa. The Italian expression of Catholicism teems with life. Honoring a saint is often expressed in a festival, or festa, that includes devotions, a procession, and unique traditions.  

Dr. Stephanie Longo will be the presenter. Dr. Longo has authored several award-winning books on Italian-American history and is an expert on the lived experience and history of Italians in America.

The talk begins at 2:00 p.m. at the All Saints Parish Hall, 505 Center Street in Boswell and includes authentic Italian refreshments at no cost.

All are welcome. for more information or to register, please contact the Boswell parish office at (814) 629-5551.