SFU President Prays for Healing, Peace Following Attack on U.S. Capitol


From Saint Francis University

Saint Francis University community members gathered for a special Mass for reconciliation and healing in the nation. University President Father Malachi Van Tassell, TOR, condemned the violence and called upon individuals to pray for those who were hurt, those who died, and all elected officials.

“Once again we must be reminded of the importance of our mission at Saint Francis University,” said Father Malachi. “Violence has no place in a free society. As people of faith at a Catholic and Franciscan university, we must stay rooted in prayer.”

In his invitation to attend the Mass and pray for peace, healing, and reconciliation for the nation, Father Malachi reminded the community of their role to model Christ-like behavior given the faith-based fabric of Saint Francis University.

Father Malachi’s homily may be viewed here: http://ow.ly/XbQi50D2Kqp.Â