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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Catholic Living

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Why Are Human Beings So Interiorly Conflicted?

By Father Rich Tomkosky One of the great mysteries of earthly life is how we humans can be so tortured, conflicted, full of existential angst...

The Gift of the Holy Eucharist: The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus...

By Father Rich Tomkosky Reality - Jesus’s one eternal Sacrifice for the salvation of the human beings, living and deceased, is renewed at every Mass!...

Drawing Close to the Holy Trinity in Our Life as Catholics

By Father Rich Tomkosky This past Sunday, we celebrated the gift of God’s revelation to the human race of who He is in His inner...

Be Brave, Determined, and Fearless

Column by Jonathan Nagy The end of the 2023-2024 school year has arrived, and schools all over the region are celebrating commencement exercises. I want...

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

By Father Rich Tomkosky This past Sunday, we celebrated the close of the Easter Season: the birthday of the Catholic Church: Pentecost Sunday. It is...

The Background and Meaning of Our Lady’s Miraculous Medal Apparition in 1830

By Father Rich Tomkosky Adapted from the EWTN online library re: Saint Catherine Laboure (see www.ewtn.com). In the darkness of the night of July 18-19, 1830,...

God’s Love for Us and Our Response in a Hostile/Indifferent Culture

By Father Rich Tomkosky As Saint John notes, “In this is love. not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent...

Bearing Good Spiritual Fruit in the Holy Fear of Lord

By Father Rich Tomkosky In Acts, chapter nine, we hear about two different types of fear. One is the fear of Saul when he first...

Faith Through Doubt

Column by Jonathan Nagy Following the death of his wife, Joy, in 1960, the great author C.S. Lewis was stricken with overwhelming grief. Under the...

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life

By Father Rich Tomkosky This past Sunday, we celebrated as a Church the annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the priesthood and religious...
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