BCCHS Welcomes Generous Donor


At last year’s Carrollian Gala, Bishop Carroll Catholic High School CEO Lynn Weber announced that an anonymous donor made a generous matching challenge pledge of $250,000 toward the school’s capital improvement campaign, in honor of longtime teacher the late Ursula Pawlowski. 

This year, Mrs. Weber, the Pawlowski family and members of the BC community welcomed this generous donor, Fred Goltz, class of 1989, and his wife Emma, to a small reception the evening before this year’s gala. The Goltz’s, along with their son William, traveled from their home in London to celebrate their commitment, which will upgrade the current library and name it the Ursula Pawlowski Media Center. 

In his heartfelt remarks about his family’s commitment, Mr. Goltz said, “We need institutions like Bishop Carroll to preach real values, every day and with the volume turned up to 11.  And we need to make sure that the resources and infrastructure are in place to allow this to happen. This is why my family has contributed as it has to this effort. We hope and pray that together we can make sure that 30 years from now there are many others who have been as inspired by this place as I have been.” 

So far, an additional $131,501.00 has been pledged by generous supporters toward the Goltz’s matching challenge, bringing the current campaign total to $631,851.00. Volunteers are currently working to secure pledges from alumni and friends to help bring the project closer to its phase 1A goal of $1,000,000. 

Learn more about how you can support the campaign by at BishopCarroll.com.