2023 #iGiveCatholic Campaign a Success for Parishes, Catholic Schools

By Tony DeGol

Three Cambria County parishes each netted more than $20,000 in this year’s #iGiveCatholic campaign, which will greatly assist the faith communities in carrying out their mission.

The annual #iGiveCatholic campaign begins with early giving in mid-November and culminates with Giving Tuesday, an international day of doing good held on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

As always in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, this year’s initiative gave the faithful the opportunity to donate to the parish, Catholic school, or ministry of their choice, with every dollar raised going directly to the parish, school, or ministry to which the donations were designated.

The total amount raised in the diocese was $119,935.

Saint Benedict Parish in Johnstown walked away with the highest total, receiving $22,710 from 109 donors.

Holy Family Parish in Portage was close behind with $21,635.

Saint Michael Parish in St. Michael rounded out the top three with $20,860.

Other parishes in the top 10 included Sacred Heart in Altoona, the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Saint Joseph in Bellwood, Saint John the Evangelist in Altoona, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus in Altoona, and Our Lady of Fatima in Altoona.

Among Catholic schools, Saint Michael School in Loretto raked in the most donations.

Catholic Charities received the highest amount among ministries.